Enduring Hawthorne 2024

Salem Lit Fest is excited to introduce a new and exciting adaptation of Enduring Hawthorne. We’re inviting the festival’s writers and attendees to visit The House of the Seven Gables, the home that inspired Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel. Over the course of two nights, September 4 and 5, the Gables will welcome Lit Fest attendees into the mansion’s rooms to soak up the history, literature, and romance within.

Once you’ve visited, we hope you feel moved to create a literary piece to share September 6. Too shy to present your piece? Actors from Newburyport’s Theater in the Open will present for you! After presentation of your works, the night culminates in a performance of Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown,” adapted to folksong by musician Dan Blakeslee, accompanied by a crankie created by artist Ben Wickey.

Registration requested for both reading and attending.

Open Gables: Wednesday and Thursday, September 4 and 5, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Free. Registration required—choose your date here.

Enduring Hawthorne readings and performance: Friday, September 6, 6:00–8:00 p.m. Free. Register for event here!

Presented in collaboration with: