
General Admission for the 2017 Salem Lit Fest is free!
We encourage you to sign up so that we can tell you the latest news and so that check-in on June 17 will be faster for all.  Please review all the options below before registering, as you may only login once per email address.

Register for general admission, reserved seating, lunch with the authors, and workshops

Register Now


General Admission: Free

Reserved Seating: $50

Lunch with the Authors: $35
Includes beverage, sandwich, salad, dessert and access to the authors!

If you are purchasing both reserved seating and lunch, you may use coupon code SLF2017 for a $10 discount.

Young Adult Workshops: Free

Free teen/young adult workshops:
Building a Better Bad Guy with Matt Phillion
Teen Poetry Workshop with MP Carver

Workshops are limited to 10 persons in each and begin at noon.  Snacks will be provided.

Donate to Lit Fest
Lit Fest relies on you — to attend, and to help us create this event celebrating books, authors and reading.  The Salem Athenaeum, presenter of Salem Lit Fest, is a 501c3 nonprofit.  Donations are tax deductible to the extent permissible by law.  All donors of $50 and above will be listed in the Lit Fest program.